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I Am Nogol Dalil



Website Designer

  • Website DesignerWordpress, HTML5
  • SEOSEO, Google Analytics
  • ProgrammerPhyton, Php

About Me

I am a website designer, with a strong focus in UI/UX design. I love to get new experiences and always learn from my surroundings. I've done more than 285 projects. You can check it through portfolio section on this website. I looking forward to any opportunities and challenges.





Do not go where the path may lead, go instead where there is no path and leave a trail. Ralph Waldo Emerson

What I Do

Website Designing

The first thing you need when you start a business is a website these days.Using modern technologies will give you the best result you can imagine I bet.

Developement & SEO

Search-friendly content matters to get more relevant users viewing your website.

Data Mining

Web Mining is the process of Data Mining techniques to automatically discover and extract information from Web documents and services.


My Resume


  • 2017 - now

    Co-Founder & ProgrammerZhivar WebCo-Founder , Programmer and SEO Expert at Zhivar Web

  • 2018- now

    Senior UI / UX DesignerDana PharmacyWeb Designer and UI/UX Designer of Dana Pharmacy Website.

  • 2012 - now

    Network AdministratorDana PharmacySince the very first day Dr. Kohli Started to use network in her pharmacy I have the honor to be their network admin.

  • 2015 - 2017

    Teacher AssistantIUSTfor 5 Semesters I've been Algorithm Design TA

  • 2015 - 2016

    R&D ConsultantBehpardaz JahanIn SEPAS Project I've been R&D Consultant working for Iran's FDA

  • 2013 - 2013

    ERP Analyzer Tehran TCT3months in Tehran's TCT ERP Project

  • 2012 - 2015

    Network AdministratorT-ParhoonProudly Working with the most famous Iranian's Architects as a network admin.


  • 2022 - now

    Python Specialization MITPassing Python Specialization Courses which are 5, with the most incredible Dr. Chuck Severance.

  • 2023 - now

    SEO Specialization University of California5 Courses about Search Engine Optimizations

  • 2023 - now

    Data ScienceIBMKnowledge about DataMining and Deep Mining and using Python Programming in these 5 Courses.

  • 2014 - 2017

    Software EngineeringIUSTA Degree in Master of Science in Software Engineering at Iran University of Science & Technology.

  • 2007 - 2012

    IT EngineeringIUSTA Degree in Bachelor of Science in Information Technology Engineering at Iran University of Science & Technology.






Team Work & Colaboration


Management & Leading


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(+98) 991 4321 202

Based in

Tehran, Iran